Actor | Producer | Writer | Web Designer | Creative
Howdy friends and family and whoever else has stumbled on to my site. I have some updates that are fairly fun for everyone…well maybe not, but that rhymed and was fun to say. Any who, so as my readers now know, my friends and I have traveled across the country to a little place called […]
8/1/2011 This week I start level 5 at Improv Olympic West and class with Billy O’Leary 7/22/2011 Completed 2-year Meisner Training course with William Alderson 6/18/2011 Finished filming my role on the webseries “Dicks”. Had a great time on set! 5/10/2011 Was a reader in the casting room for Casting Director Deborah Dion 5/10/2011 Filmed […]
So, as I mentioned in my previous blog, it was quite the busy week this week! I had my first LA call back audition on Thursday…which worked its way into a lead role in a student film!
I am going to briefly update everyone on my goings ons. This week, starting last Sunday, is and will continue to be an awesome week.
Well life doesn’t really suck, but it is very difficult for me! I finally got internet last Friday after not having it for about a week and a half or so. I wouldn’t recommend going without internet to my worst enemy…unless they were an internet stalker of mine or something…then maybe 🙂 So I just […]
Well here we are. I have completed all of my work here in Omaha and it is time to move on to the next step of my journey.
So here we are, less than two weeks until departure and things are quite busy in Omaha. The four of us travelers have been working diligently to get everything in order for takeoff. This weekend our moving vehicle will be available to start putting stuff in there. I will be bedless for probably 6 days, […]
Recently I traveled to Los Angeles with mi amigos Rachel Lien, Ben Chrystak, Jill Carr, and Bill Grennan and let me tell you that the trip totally rocked! We did so much productive and fun stuff that it seems a bit overwhelming to try to recall it all…but I am going to do my best […]
Here is the Easter Video that I worked on several weeks ago. The Incredulity of Caroline from Robert Murphy on Vimeo.