Actor | Producer | Writer | Web Designer | Creative
So “What’s been up?” you might be asking, well the answer has been a lot…but what else is new 🙂 I guess I like it that way. I always say its better to be busy than the other way around. Right? Well let me fill you in a little bit that’s been going on with me over the past few months.
Well, to start, a few months ago, I met with the fine people at the DDO Artists Agency to discuss Commercial Representation, specifically, Matt Taylor. They were interested in bringing me on board to see how things go; kind of a trial period. I was happy to oblige. Well, I think it worked out well for both of us because the next week, they sent me on two auditions and I booked them both! That was such a blessing. I got to work on a print shoot as well as a commercial and met some really great people on both sets.
Moving along to last month, I was extremely busy. At one point I was on set for 10 days in a row with one day break. I booked 2 films and produced part 4 of “The Garden”. The first film that I booked is a film called “Adventure, WI”. It’s about a boy from small town Wisconsin. He’s grown up there all his life and has wanted nothing more than to get out and go on an adventure. The movie begins with Scout Cooper (Me) angry leaving his house because he’s just gotten into a fight with his family. Then we go to the next scene where Scout is sitting on his car daydreaming about leaving town. He reaches over to grab a bottle of Pop, expecting it to be Coca Cola, but instead it reads, “Magi-Cola Make a Wish & Win Big Prizes”. Scout scoffs at the message but makes a wish anyway. When he turns the bottle cap and reads whats on the other side, it says, “Adventure,” exactly what he’d wished for. Just then, adventure starts to unfold before his eyes. It was an amazing film. Extremely well done by Writer/Director, Aneesh Chaganty, and Director of Photography, Sebastian Baron!
I worked on “Adventure, WI” several weekends to complete it, but one particular week, I worked the weekend for “Adventure, WI”, then left Monday to head to the set of “The Garden” to produce our final segment of the film (minus 1 day of pickups early next year). It’s been a long arduous process, but it’s been rewarding! The footage is looking amazing!
So thank you so much to all of you who helped by donating to our kickstarter campaign! It wouldn’t have happened without you! From Monday to Thursday I worked on the Garden, came back for one day off (one day off entailed working on web design projects), then back to the set of “Adventure, WI” the following weekend. It was a lot of hard work, but so rewarding in the end. I think you all will be very happy to see both “Adventure, WI” and “The Garden” when its finished!
You might be thinking, “He said he booked 2 films. What about the second one?” Well, why don’t I tell you about it, huh? The second film I booked is called “Death Comes”. It’s written and directed by Chelsea Pettit. I’m excited for the world to know about her gift of storytelling! The film is about a boy (me) who’s sister just died. However, I can still see her. In the story, when someone dies, they become Death for a time. The become Death, but not in a creepy way. They are there as death until then next person dies so that that person never has to die alone. When the next person dies, then Death is transferred to the recently deceased and the one that was previously Death then moves on to the next life. It’s really creative. The central theme of the story is about no wanting to let go. It’s a lovely heartfelt drama and I can’t wait to see the final film when it’s completed.
In addition to that, I have been practicing my craft as frequently as possible. I take classes with Billy O’Leary to learn more about Scene Study and about Auditioning techniques. I’ve also been doing a lot of improv. I’m currently in level 7 at iO West. It’s the final level before graduation. I’ve also been performing on teams and doing improv shows. I’ve been learning a great deal about improv and it has been so much fun! The combination of my improv, Meisner training, and studying with Billy is really helping me to do better in the audition room. My callback ratio has improved greatly!
I’ve also started the class, “Class Rules!”, with the amazing Bonnie Gillespie! It’s all about how I can help the business side of my acting a lot better. I already have more of a plan of attack after 2 weeks with her than I did before, so I’m very excited to see what happens after 4 weeks!
All of this in addition to preparing and going to auditions. If you want to do well in the room, it really helps to be prepared. So I’m usually quite tired when it comes to lay down to go to sleep. But I heard someone once say something along the lines of, “Every night you should just be dragging yourself to bed because you’ve given everything you’ve got to the day.” I really like that mentality. “Give today your everything!”
Other than work, I pretty much work 🙂 So much to do and so little time!
I’d love to hear your thoughts and/or comments!
Bryan McClure