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Raping is weird

Raping is weird

Okay, I haven’t yet blogged about this yet, but last Sunday, I played the part in a film of someone who is into hitting girls and raping.  It isn’t like the character does it all the time, but he did it in a fit of rage.  He’s basically a prick, which is a really change for me because I am so sweet 🙂

I did learn some things on set which was beneficial, but the raping part was very odd for me to play since I am normally not the raping type (big revelation I know :)).  As weird as it is for me to say, there were some interesting parts that I did enjoy about the overall experience.  I am glad that I didn’t let the role take over me, however.  After we cut, I was able to let the character go.

All the shots that were created looked really good, thanks to Larry Bolding (Crew in Forrest Gump & Under Seige), and it will definitely benefit my demo reel by giving it some diversity.  As long as those who view the film don’t like my character in any way, I think that will be okay with me…if that makes sense.  It is kind of like I am searching for a way of justifying playing those types of roles, and I think that with that mindset, I can justify it.  If my character is hated and his acts are despised, then that is all good.

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