Quick update
Hey Gang,
Updates by the bullets coming atcha:
- Filmed in a movie called “Chance of Showers” with David Spiegelman on the backlot of Universal Studios! Amazing! Check it out on IMDB.
- Performed a scene at the William Alderson Acting Studio from the play “All Summer Long”. My scene partner, Megan Hellas, and I totally worked moment to moment and had amazing emotion. By truly being in the moment, I was able to achieve new impulses I had never had before while rehearsing the scene.
- Completed the 1st year of the Meisner program at the William Alderson Acting Studio
- Have been working with Rick Pagano and Kathy Wilson to brand their company (more information coming soon)
- Have moved from the San Fernando Valley over the hill and am now truly in Hollywood.
- I went home for the 4th of July and had a blast (pun is intended)! 🙂
- I have worked on websites for National Lampoon Presents Sex Tax (based off of a true story where the government purchased a brothel)
- God and I have been in communication daily and it has been really good for my soul!
- I have been audition for several projects and have been getting some good responses. Some that could change my life, so pray for me please 🙂
- I took an Audition Intensive class with Deb Dion and she was great! I learn a lot about how I can better prepare for auditions.
- I have been attending The Actors Network more frequently and meeting some wonder guests, such as last night’s David Ziff, agent at CESD, and Casting Director for Scott David.
- Through The Actors Network, I also joined a Power Group, which is a good way to connect with people and network. Its also a great way to create goals and hold yourself to them.
- Doing some ADR with Craig Polding on a film tomorrow
- And filming the 3rd installment of 4 for “The Garden” through the weekend.
- And I’m sure a lot more things that I can’t remember right now… 🙂
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