Actor | Producer | Writer | Web Designer | Creative

Been Crazy Busy

Been Crazy Busy

Hello everyone!

Sorry I haven’t updated in a while, but I have so incredibly blessed with businesses.  I will try to give you a brief update about the craziness that has been my last month or so.

First of all, I mentioned in my tweets that I got a part in the movie “Lucky” with Colin Hanks at the beginning of September.  The movie was shot in Council Bluffs, IA, so it was a pleasure to go back home and work on the project.  Stars such as Mr. Hanks, Ari Graynor, Jeffrey Tambor, Mimi Rogers, and Ann-Margret were actors in the film.  My role was that of the office Sandwich Guy.  I got to act with Colin Hanks for a while and it was a really good experience.  The whole set was a really good atmosphere and the only part of the experiences I didn’t like, was the fact I didn’t get to be on set longer.  Everyone from wardrobe and make-up to the assistants in the office were all very nice.  So it was a really great experience!

Secondly, I have been absolutely busy as heck lately working on websites.  I have worked on James Lynch and Pedro Ciampolini’s movie, In the blink of love, which you can see at  I have also been working on Andrew Robinson’s Pure+Motive website and another website for Steve Liff’s advertising company, Magnetic Advertising, though we don’t have it working on a solid domain name yet. Also Cindy Freeman’s Film-Method Podcast was another blessing of mine. I have a number of other people who I have been in talks with regarding web work, so keep ’em coming.  I also did an animation for the movie Tangerine Sky, which took quite a lot of time, but it looked pretty darn good when it was completed.

Thirdly, I have been taking classes for acting.  I have been studying the Meisner technique with the great Bill Alderson.  Bill was the right hand man for Sandy Meisner himself.  He taught in New York for 16 years and taught people such as John Voigt and Jeff Goldbloom.  I am really enjoying that class and am getting a lot out of it.  I have also been studying commercial acting with Mike Pointer at Hey, I Saw Your Commercial!  I have been learn a good deal there and Mike is a great guy.

Fourth, and this is some really exciting news, I got an agent! 🙂  I took a short stay at home when I was filming “Lucky” and returned home early on the Thursday of that week.  That evening there was an Agent/Manager workshop at the Actor’s Creative Workshop that I frequent.  There was an agent from Osbrink Agency, one from Talentworks, and a manager from Polaris Entertainment.  I was debating on attending because it cost a nice little chuck-o-change, but I was talked in to it by my lovely girlfriend.  So we signed up very last minute! While I was there, I must have performed well because I got a call from Polaris as well as Osbrink.  Things with Osbrink went outstanding and they signed me both Commercially and Theatrically (which, if you don’t know means for Commercials and Movies/TV).  Osbrink has a lot of top notch clients that they represent, one of which is Dakota Fanning.  They have already started sending me on some really great auditions!  They’ve asked me to get some new headshots, so I have scheduled some time on Monday to get some new buddies done.

Fifth, I have started working with Nebraska native and 2009 Coke Award winner, Mike Montgomery on his film “The Garden.” Only this time, I am approaching things from a different side of the camera.  I am helping him by producing this film.  It has been a really good experience thus far and I think that our film is going to turn out to be a really solid one…so watch out film festivals! 🙂  I hope to work with the talented Michael Montgomery again in the future, as I know he will have a successful career.

Lastly, this weekend Rachel Lien and I have volunteered our services to the Valley Film Festival that takes place in North Hollywood.  Tonight we saw some pretty funny films.  My personal favorite was the movie called Cabbie, which was all about a 36 year-old man, who still lived with his parents, and that decided he wanted to  dedicate his life to becoming the best cab driver ever.  It was really funny!

Anyways, its past midnight now and I have some wonderful things to attend to bright and early in the morning.

Until next time Friends!


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2 Responses to “Been Crazy Busy”

  1. Allen Says:

    Wow, you sure must be busy. How do you find the time for all that?

    We would like to know what a producer does.

  2. blogmaster Says:

    Hey Allen,
    Here is a good link on wikipedia about what a producer does…

    As far as finding time for all of that…you have to look in odd places, such as under rocks and stuff. That is a good place to find time 🙂

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